I have been struggling with a concept for which I am sure a word exists, but which I don't know. The concept is a bit like what you get when you place two mirrors face to face in such a way that you get reflections of reflections, but with the difference that these reflections can go on and on to infinity, until your head spins, while in my examples (see the list below) they are usually limited to a single repetition. More like an echo of an echo, in fact.
Humanities (language, art, etc.):
Postscript: just now, at work, I gave some input on giving input. It is contagious.
Humanities (language, art, etc.):
- Songs about music
- Plays about theater
- Books about writing (and blogs on blogs)
- Photos of photos (and paintings of paintings)
- Talking about talking
- Thinking about thinking
- Learning to learn
- Terminology about terminology
- Maintaining maintenance
- Automating automation
- Investing in investments, betting on bets
- Managing project management (projects about projects)
- Planning to plan
- Estimating estimation, evaluating evaluations, assessing assessments, rating ratings
- Information about information (meta-data)
- Reports on reports (and apparently, there are even reports on reports on reports ...!)
- Politikerpolitik
- Having feelings about feelings
- Having opinions about opinions
- Obsessing about obsessions
- Discriminating discrimination (or being intolerant of intolerance)
- Being judgmental about judging
- Being addicted to addiction
- Making lists of lists
- Exceptions to exceptions
- Arguing about arguing
- Friends of friends
- Liking a like (in Facebook etc.)
Postscript: just now, at work, I gave some input on giving input. It is contagious.