Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Yesterday was a difficult day. I was thick, I was slow, I was in a bad mood. Discussing it during the coffee break, my colleagues and I came to the conclusion that it was probably due to the full moon, because I was not the only one. Very appropriate for a Monday, too. But unlike with some problems, knowing the possible cause did not seem to make any difference: all day long I was still thick as molasses, and grumpy to boot.

Today should have been better, but it was basically more of the same. So much so, that I have been walking around all day telling people that it was like reliving yesterday all over again. It reminded me of the movie "Groundhog Day", in which the main character (Bill Murray) gets the chance to redo one single day again and again, until he gets it right. A bit like reincarnation, except that he was aware of what was going on. In the end, he learns. For me, I can only hope that tomorrow will be better. But the degree to which the environment can influence how we feel is a sobering thought. And I'm told it only gets worse with age.

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